Wednesday, 15 April 2020

Translating to App

  • Translating previous web designs to app format
  • It would present the same information to the audience, and could be used as a way to track progress potentially?
Website slides:

App Slides:

The main feature of the product are the pop ups notifications, asking you to make small changes to a greener option, but it also will demonstrate an understanding that when we make a choice that isn't beneficial for the planet we shouldn't be demonised. But also demonstrate a community of people using the product to encourage more to do so. Supporting research found in essay: 
  • Wakefield, Loken and Hornik (2010) demonstrated when a behaviour is a one off it is more likely to be adopted, when followed up by reminders this only increases the likelihood of the behaviour being displayed. Small changes with continuous support aid the development of desired behaviour. 
  •  A key aspect of the behaviourism argument is reinforcement, this is evident in Pavlovian Behaviourism where there is no punishment only a lack of reinforcement (O'Shaughnessy and O'Shaughnessy, 2004). This psychological theory supports what Lertzman (2019) discusses, the idea of supporting positive behaviours not punishing ourselves if we’re not doing everything to save the planet.
  •  A study conducted by White and Simpson (2013) highlighted that participants were not engaging in the behaviour as it did not seem approved of, it went against the social norm. White and Simpson then imposed descriptive norms on the flyers, such as “Your neighbours are grasscycling—you can too” and injunctive norms such as “Your neighbours want you to grasscycle”. Within two weeks almost twice as many residents were leaving their grass cuttings on the lawn.
Having a way of tracking progress could incorporate a sense of achievement for the audience. This could also allow for rewards when you hit certain targets etc to encourage more of the desired behaviour?

How would this look?

^ Here is the sleep tracking app on my iPhone, thinking perhaps it could feature similarly to this.
- Could incorporate the icons back into the design and have different sections for amount of water, co2 and energy saved. 

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Initial Research Reading

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