Friday, 13 March 2020

Developing Google Maps Idea

- Wanting to think about the use of positive language and small interventions. These have been key themes in my essay as people are more likely to make small one off changes rather than change big habits - especially when presented with an option at the time it is needed (Mohr 2012).
But also that individuals respond better to information about climate change when it doesn't push them out of their window of tolerance (Lertzman).
- Having a pop up on google maps allows people to stop, think, and question their decisions about travel. It is a one off choice that could become a habit it repeated, at the time of need.
- Praising those who do walk places encourages behaviour beneficial for the planet.
- The idea also incorporates the results of studying mass media campaigns, it is a repeat reminder, these are shown to have had greater impact than a one off campaign. One of the conclusions from Wakefield, Loken and Hornik’s (2010) study into mass media campaigns is that the likelihood of a campaigns success is increased when there are multiple interventions and when the desired behaviour is one off rather than ongoing.

This also links to Mohr (2012) as he suggests the audience needs to be made aware of sustainable options in order to adopt desired behaviour. Another theory presented by Mohr (2012) is one off alterations to habitual behaviour that need to be readily visible so they act at the time they’re needed in order to have maximum effect.

Mock ups of pop ups:

- Wanting to keep things looking light as well as incorporate the google colours to keep things consistent.
- Images and icons bring the mood up too, wanting to steer away from it looking scary or intimidating.

Placing it into the app:

- Feel as though the aesthetic fits with google, although the typeface isn't the same.
- The doodles are playful but not sure if it makes it look more childish?

This idea doesn't include the idea of social norms which was discussed in my essay. Thinking about whether this is necessary or if there could be an extension of this project that incorporates these ideas and philosophies.
This is an improvement on the wording - makes more sense this way. 

Close up of the bike icon - incorporating the google colours to keep it consistent. 

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