Friday, 27 March 2020

Peer Crit Post

My essay is investigating the psychological impacts of climate change and the role of graphic design within this.

Key points in my research:
- People need to be given information they can handle about climate changer, otherwise they bury their heads in the sand and don't make any changes to benefit the planet.
- Encouraging small sustainable changes/habits that will develop into larger one.
- Persuasion within western society is more beneficial when referring to an individual rather than a mass collective (due to individualistic society).

Idea for Practical:
Design a series of pop up prompts that present a more sustainable alternative for the audience to adopt if they choose. Wanting to present the audience with something that'll make them question what they're doing but in a non threatening way.

Statistics have been incorporated that make the audience realise the weight of their choices but in a non threatening way and allows the audience to instantly do something more sustainable. A lot of my research has shown people are more likely to make a positive choice when it is made as accessible to them as possible.

In the initial stages, thinking about having pop ups on google maps, as well as online shopping.


  • Should there be an overall aesthetic that is consistent across all platforms (thinking like existing applications such as Klarna or honey) so it can be recognised, or should the aesthetic match the platform?
  • If you think it should be it's own consistent aesthetic any references or ideas would be great!
  • How effective would this be for you? What changes would you make to make it more effective?

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Initial Research Reading

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