Friday, 27 March 2020

Reflecting on Peer Crit Feedback

Peggy's Feedback

Think it's a really good idea to make prompts for small changes- it's not too in your face and the messages are all achievable. 
I think you should 'brand' it or give it some visual identity- The Aldi pop up communicates a supermarket advertisement well but I think it needs to be more visually interesting and different to catch people's eyes more. The cycling one works well because it's playful and you can tell it's something new from google maps.
- This is a good point, the Aldi pop up looks a lot like an ad that people would naturally click off. Need ot make it more visually engaging for people to get involved. 
- The google one is stronger because google advertising has a more colourful colour palette, keep this in mind when working on the branding. 
I would definitely engage, I think the timing of the pop ups are really useful, maybe you could push it further by creating more for different times people would think about a certain product? This way it gets them thinking before they consciously make a decision? Sometimes it may be too late/people have already made their minds up, especially with cycling- they may be running late and need to take the car. Could look at how apps like Duolingo give you reminders throughout the day to make sure it's always in mind. Just another thing to explore.
- Really like this idea, could develop reminders to keep people engaged. 
- Think the fact people might be running late is very valid, thinking of a way around this (such as reminders) would be a good idea. 
-Could be something that is connected to google and google calendar? Would be able to remind people an hour before an event or something? Is this even possible? Would it breach personal security?
I think it has the potential to become a widely recognised movement, you recognise where the information is coming from and the fact it's going to offer a sustainable alternative even before the information is read if the visuals are exciting and new. One issue this raises however is how do you design something that appeals to everyone (very broad target audience) and still have it looking fresh and approachable?
- Need to look into campaigns and successful advertising, what brands are generally appreciated (google, ikea etc). Then apply these techniques to the branding. 
Really like the idea so far :)

Mehroosa's Feedback
The pop-ups are a great way to do this. But have you considered what about people who have ad-blocks and so on that block all forms of pop-ups, would this still work in that case then? It just reduces how effective the campaign could be cos the idea is so good. 
- Good thing to note, this would be solved if it is something people have to download once, like ecosia for example.
Also I think the pop-ups should have its own aesthetic- that way it has an identity and stays part of one movement if that makes sense? Maybe try aesthetics that are visually bold and colourful, that way it will stand out against the website it's on and also convey its message. 
- Links better to the Google branding rather than Aldi, bright and colourful seem to be key elements to experiment with. Need to make sure it doesn't appear too childish, could be a potential pitfall. 
What if this was an extension that after downloading would let you see the pop-ups? that way you have an audience that actually cares about the environment and would most likely make the changes the pop-ups show them. Because if you just have them on all different websites, there will always be people that just aren't interested, so keeping it for people who want to make the changes and would go that extra step to download the extension would be more effective.
- Might exclude an audience that needs to be targeted, often people who are more environmentally aware will be making these changes anyway. 
- However, people who are interested might not have started making these decisions, could be designed as a starter for those wanting to get more involved but don't know how or are put off by the movement's intensity. 
Also, if not an extension, maybe it's a movement that would require you to work with brands, and they show your pop-ups on their websites so they're permanently on the page for a specific time period and then changes, this way the websites' are also benefiting in terms of spreading awareness and are seen as being more sustainable so its like a contract between you and the company, 
- Another good idea, working with brands to allow the pop up to exist on their page. This could have complications as it would appear as though a platform (e.g. Tesco) is prioritising certain products over others. Could impact brands negatively by suppliers despite being received positively by the public. 

I don't know if any of that made any sense, but I hope it was of some help. 
General Takeaways:
  • An overall aesthetic is needed to provide consistency and avoid looking like ads. This will also give the potential for the project to become a wider spread campaign. 
  • The aesthetic should be bright, colourful and eye-catching in an attempt to grab the audience's attention.
  • It should be downloadable (like Ecosia) to make sure it avoids ad blocking software. Ads for the download should be made to reach the widest audience possible. Need to keep this light and emphasise the non invasive nature of the application. 
  • A general reminder should be made for people's phones or laptops to keep the habts in people's minds. 

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