Monday, 27 April 2020

Research (Patagonia, Clue App)

Patagonia Branding:

  • Simple aesthetic, appears very professional.
  • Clean, design doesn't compromise the function
  • Not "hippy" like other eco-conscious brands. 
  • Uses a lot of real imagery, seen in other eco brands, ecosia, lucy and yak. Seems transparent, more trustworthy and reliable. 
  • The minimal branding could appear impersonal, however, as a key component to their website and branding on general are images of real people it provides a human face to relate to the brand. 
  • Incorporates a lot of information relating to sustainability. The company has an obvious and clear agenda to be as sustainable as possible. Despite being a big brand they're taking action to help the planet (i.e. taxing themselves to support eco charities). 
Is the branding I've done so far too busy, does it look too childish?
Does it suit the approach? Wanting to be friendly, not too serious or intimidating. 

- Refine approach more? 
- Sketch up/story board all elements of website (make wireframes), THEN add in content.

Clue App:

Reflection Point: How the Clue App Empowers Women Like Me

Clue is an app that tracks your menstrual cycle. What I'm interested in is the way the app works.
  • Has a less mathematical appearance, much more friendly with the circular visualisation of time.
    - Perhaps this is something I could adopt in my own project, feedback from talking to Zoe was that the graphs weren't as visually interesting as the rest of the work. 
  • Has ways for you to input data, this would be different in my app as the app would track for you, you don't have to put in any data. It would simply be a way to look at your progress. 
  • Shows the calendar with what happened on those days.
    - Should I adopt this or should it be a week, month, year in review type situation?
    - Feel as though seeing progress over time would be better, the focus is less about what happened on each day but the overall improvement being made. 

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Initial Research Reading

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